There are many, many philosophies, diets, and folks that say there is only one way to achieve happiness and good health. We could spend months in research trying to find what would help us to achieve these things but for me I believe in simplicity and logic. I have never owned a set of scales to weigh myself and I was never exposed to the New Age Movement.


Since my exposure to the different ideas and educated myself on the New Age Movement and the many ways to keep ourselves healthy I have come full circle to my original and simple ways of belief of what is well serving. It’s basic, it’s simple, and it’s very logical.


The phrase we are what we eat carries much truth for me because as we have progressed into this fast paced, fast food, run around til you drop society we have become less healthy more stressed and more emotionally imbalanced as a whole. For instance Utah now leads in the prescription arena. We are prescribed more antidepressants that almost any other state in the nation. We are right up there with Oregon and Maine. In fact we are prescribed nearly twice as much as those in California and three times as much as those in New York and New Jersey. (ref.  Nationwide studies have shown that 164 million prescriptions for antidepressants were written in the U.S. in 2008. (ref. The National Center on addiction and substance abuse at Columbia University)


We are popping pills for everything. Just to name a few, we are taking pills for emotions, weight, blood sugar, chemical imbalances, behavioral problems, sexual dysfunction, and there are many more. So why is this? Well, if you do the research it isn’t hard to find an answer.


We are eating more out of a box and fast food stops and we are living our lives at such a fast pace that we are not taking the time to relax.  Rather than to eat our foods in the way our bodies were designed to digest them we combine our proteins and carbohydrates causing us to have stomach discomfort, diabetes, ADD, fibromyalgia, etc. Never mind the fact that our fast foods and processed foods are filled with things that are detrimental to the human body. 


We have become a society that have become followers of the ole might dollar and living at a pace that has raised our stress levels to devastating levels. This is wearing us out and  breaking down our immune and emotional systems and our community and family units. 


So folks here is my recipe for a happy healthy life,


1.               SLOW DOWN, take some quiet time and rest your mind and body every day. Just pick a time of day to take fifteen minutes for yourself. See sites below for information.


2.               EAT by DESIGN, eat the way your body was designed to. Strive to limit the combinations of proteins and carbs. You can pretty much eat what you want as long as you combine the foods correctly. Stay away from processed and fast food.

Here are some sites for more info:


3.               BALANCE YOUR EMOTIONS, Experiencing these emotions is a normal part of life but when one single emotion dominates, it brings your entire body out of balance and can produce illness. You can balance your emotions by taking time out, journaling, exercise, and just taking the time to breath though it. If someone or something is causing you distress look within to find the answer as to why. You are the only one that has control over you.


4.               THINK IN POSITIVES, if you train yourself to think in a positive manner you become stronger not only physically but emotionally as well. It also very catchy. Think in positives and watch those around you begin to do so as well. It produces a happy environment all the way around. If one chooses not to participate in your happiness then they will go where they are comfortable in a downer atmosphere. And that folks is okay!


5.               LOVE YOURSELF, even if it takes writing yourself notes and hanging them on the mirror for you to see every day do it. Tell yourself you love you and soon you will feel it. If you don’t love you then how can anyone else? When we love ourselves we attract LOVE. So go ahead and look in the mirror, look into your eyes and say I Love You!


With these five basic ingredients you can create a pretty happy and healthy lifestyle.



Copyright by Lori Christensen 12/01/2009

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